Thunderstorms Lightning Tornados

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This preparedness guide explains thunderstorms and related hazards and suggests life-saving actions you can take. With this information, you can recognize severe weather, develop a plan, and be ready to act when threatening weather approaches.

The details..

"Nature's Most Violent" is a comprehensive preparedness guide that educates readers on the dangers of thunderstorms, tornadoes and lightning strikes. The book offers practical advice on how to recognize severe weather patterns so you can be ready to act when threatening weather approaches.

The first step in developing a family disaster plan is gathering information about hazards from your local National Weather Service office or emergency management office. This will help you learn what type of disasters could occur in your area and how you should respond. You'll also need to choose two places where everyone can meet - one outside your home for emergencies like fire, and another away from your neighborhood if you're unable to return home after an evacuation order has been issued.

To implement your plan effectively, post emergency telephone numbers by phones; install safety features such as smoke detectors; inspect potential hazards around the house; teach basic safety measures such as CPR & First Aid; keep enough supplies at home including water supply (one gallon per person per day), food that won't spoil, clothing change footwear per person etc.; assemble a disaster kit with items needed in case of an evacuation stored in sturdy containers like backpacks or duffle bags along with important documents kept waterproofed container;

Practice drills regularly so that every member remembers meeting places phone numbers & safety rules. Test smoke detectors monthly changing batteries twice each year while testing/recharging fire extinguishers according manufacturer's instructions replacing stored water/food every 6 months.

Resource Info

Page count: 16
Size: 1480kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills